The Story of Elis Made It
About Me
I want to express myself creatively because this fulfills me and completes me.
Making something unique by combining materials, experience and passion, and through this to offer joy, care and respect for the environment.
Each customer to find what suits them best and modifies it as they wish while maintaining its high quality, variety of options and uniqueness.

Elis Made It with love for you and the environment!
I am Elis, otherwise Elisabeth-Irene Michaelidou, W.A.H.Mother of 3 kids and a wife who live in a small rural area next to the town of Serres, Greece.
From a very young age protecting the environment and living in total harmony with the nature was my primary goal using the principle of a circular and local economy and following the principles of of zero waste.
I am self taught at sewing driven by my need to creatively express myself and staying next to my family. After a long research on different materials and products, I’ve started creating my cloth menstrual/period pads in 2016 in Greece I also sew other useful products with friendly to the environment materials.
I want to give the opportunity to every woman to use unique products, that’s why I offer cloth menstrual/period pads in different patterns and materials friendly to the environment. These cloth menstrual/period pads are exclusively made by elismadeit that’s me, with Greek or European materials.
My goal is to help women of all ages love their nature and period!
I believe that every woman of any age and background is unique and Deserves to Love her Period! I voluntary offer workshops of informing and empowering women with the title “Menstrual Period – Nature –You” discussing the notion of Menstrual Period and the natural options that every woman has. I also take part in displays, bazaars, and talks concerning cloth period pads and zero waste options .
She who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.
She who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.”
How I create

I estimate your needs
We discuss your individual needs, because it is important that each item is exactly what suits you best.

All creations are made with respect to the needs of each customer and with respect to the environment. I implement full utilization of material and waste.

You are aware of every step of the creations stages: how they are made, with what materials and who makes them.

Quality as a priority
I choose materials that are of high quality, European made, and initially from local suppliers.
Recent news

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